Schooling: After then, I brought Bokul to ‘Khalilur Rahman Govt.Primary School’ beside North Kalshi slum to admit him. A teacher of the school asked some questions to Bokul. I surprised to saw, how brilliantly Bokul answered to the teacher’s questions. Then the teacher entries Bokul’s name to the school register and Bokul became a student of class two. After admitting he got a set of text books from the school. Getting text books, his face was smiling like the sun is shining. It seemed to me, Bokul is the happiest man of the world. Now Bokul go to school regularly and he study attentively. Because, he wants to be a great teacher in near future.
Now Bokul is a beneficiary of "Enabling Environment For Child Rights" (EECR) project of UNICEF. Like Bokul, many underprivileged children getting financial support from this project which is implementing by the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs (MOWCA), Govt. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. It is one of the biggest project of Government for the root people. Because "Child Protection"
is a great issue of Bangladesh and the situation of Child Rights in Bangladesh should be changed. Because near about 50% people of this country is children. And the Government is commuted to ensure child rights in our society. However more than one ministry like Ministry of Social Welfare is contributing in this sector continuously. But it is true first of all we have to be more conscious about our beloved children. Because the first priority is our family. If a family become conscious, problem will reduce 50%.